Green Ideas 2019 competition
Partners Albania organized on May 22 – 23, 2019 the “Green Ideas 2019” competition.
“Green Ideas” is an annual competition Partners Albania organizes since 2012. It serves as an incubator for small scale green economic
enterprises in Albania, utilizing local resources and revitalizing traditions of production and community-based markets in an environmentally friendly way.
The three winning ideas for 2019 were:
“Pemla – 100% local ingredients” introduced by small business Pemla, whose main goal is to produce “homemade” products of hazelnut, nut and almond butter.
“Visit 84 Bicycle Lakes in Belsh” presented by Albert Hysa, an idea that aims to provide bicycle rental service to local and foreign tourists, in Belsh area.
“Table of Taste” presented by the organization Culinary Education Center, which consists of creating a gastronomic service environment, promoting the traditional culture of Albanian cooking and products.
The three winning ideas participated in the annual regional competition organized in July ’19 by the Balkan Green Foundation, with the support of Rockefeller Brothers’ Fund.