For the production of 3 video spots
Background to the scope of work
Partners Albania is implementing the project “Countering restrictions for Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in the name of Anti-Money Laundering / Counter Financing of Terrorisms (AML/CFT) in Albania”.
Through this project, Partners Albania will empower Albanian CSOs to proactively engage in efforts to protect the legal enabling environment in the context of the AML/CFT process, through:
- Increased awareness of a broader range of Albanian CSOs on the AML/CFT framework and its potential to impact CSOs;
- Enabling Albanian CSOs to engage with policymakers to ensure that the laws and regulations prepared under the AML/CFT framework do not infringe the enabling environment for CSOs’ operation;
- Increased understanding of government and financial institutions on the civic sector’s operations, as well as the sector’s current regulatory and self-regulatory measures and how they comply with the Financial Action Task Force (FATF)
Scope of work
The purpose of this service is the production of three (3) awareness-raising / educational video spots that will contribute to achieving the project purpose and objectives as above.
The script of the spots will be developed based on the information and documentation provided by Partners Albania.
The outputs will be as following:
- Three video spots:
- The spots will be produced as per the approved script;
- The spots should be about 1 minute long;
- They will contain the logo of Partners Albania and the donor institution supporting the realization of the spots;
- The spots should be in the Albanian language with English subtitles, and in high definition broadcast quality;
- It will be the responsibility of the provider to gain the necessary copyright for any media element (photo, graphic, music, animation) used in the spot.
Duration and management arrangements
The expected duration of this service will be two months, starting from 1st of February – March 31, 2021. The delivery of the outputs will be as follows:
- 1st spot – by the end of February 2021
- 2nd and 3rd Spots – by the end of March 2021
The service provider will be directly responsible to the project manager of this initiative.
Eligibility Requirement
- Demonstrate a sound record in providing consulting services for similar multimedia production.
- Minimum of 3 years` experience in designing multimedia materials and undertaking similar types of creative projects.
- Proven multimedia design and artistic skills preferred in the team.
Intellectual Property
Partners Albania shall own any rights in and to any work created by the service provider, including all copyrights, patents, or trademarks. The service provider hereby expressly transfers all such rights to Partners Albania. The service provider agrees to keep confidential and not use any material; information or other data furnished by Partners Albania for any purpose whatsoever other than as herein specified, without the prior written consent of Partners Albania.
Application Procedure
Interested service providers are required to submit the following documents to on or before 28 January 2021.
The service providers are required to submit the following documents:
- Letter of interest, including a short summary of understanding of the Scope of Work by the interested service provider.
- A list of the previous works of a similar nature (production of spot), including attachments of such work or links where the works can be accessed.
- Financial proposal indicating the total cost of service and a breakdown of expenses related to the assignment with VAT included.