Facts on philanthropic activity in Albania during 2016

This report reflects the philanthropic activity in Albania during 2016 launched in a synthesized way from Partners Albania, based on daily monitoring and monthly reporting. The report analyses the main sectors and issues supported, nature and value of the donations, geographic coverage and also the nature of donors and beneficiaries.
Through this monitoring, Partners Albania aims to increase public awareness on philanthropic activity and to inform all the involved and interested actors about its social value and impact.
The applied methodology consists in data collected through daily media monitoring, including social media and also information resources from the public and non-public institutions during the period January – December 2016. Data collection is supported by Catalyst Balkans.
During 2016, Partners Albania identified 279 donations, mainly monetary. The main field of donations was Economic Aid and poverty reduction, while the main contributors were individuals. Read here the full report…
Facts on philanthropic activity 2016 | Download |