The Civil Society Programme for Albania and Kosovo

The Civil Society Programme for Albania and Kosovo is a three-year (2018-2021) programme funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs represented by the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Pristina. The lead implementing organization of the programme is the Kosovar Civil Society Foundation (KCSF) with Partners Albania for Change and Development (PA) as partner organization.

The overall goal of the programme is to support the democratic participation and development of a strong and vibrant civil society in Albania and Kosovo, by supporting NGOs that advance the EU accession process through contribution to one of the following five thematic areas:

  1. Non-discrimination and gender equality;
  2. Independent media;
  3. Minorities and marginalized groups;
  4. Environment protection;
  5. Anti-corruption.

The programme aims to achieve the following objectives:

  1. Increase the number of NGOs that contribute to five thematic areas of the programme;
  2. Increase the capacities of NGOs so their contribution to the five thematic areas and EU accession criteria is enhanced.



Our grant beneficiaries

The winners of the Third Call for Proposals Download
The winners of the Second Call for Proposals Download
The winners of the First Call for Proposals Download
Information on the program Download