Second Call for Proposal of the Challenge Fund is open

The Challenge Fund, the grant scheme of the project EU4Innovation, Phase II, 2023-2026, is managed by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and implemented in cooperation with Partners Albania for Change and Development.

The aim of the Challenge Fund is to improve and diversify finance opportunities for Albanian start-ups and MSMEs, with innovative solutions (e.g., products, services, business models, processes) and (ii) start-ups with prominent tech content with innovative solutions (e.g., products, services, business models, processes). The fund is open to start-ups created around innovative business concepts, registered or to be registered and operating in Albania.

The EU4Innovation 2022 – 2026 program is implemented by GiZ and Sida, with the financial support of the European Union, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), and Sida.