Winners of “Green Ideas 2016” competition announced

Partners Albania organized on 24-25 May 2016 in Tirana, the National Competition “Green Ideas 2016”.
This is the fifth year that Partners Albania organizes this competition, aiming to support initiatives that promote social inclusion, integration, employment and local economic development through ideas that are environmentally friendly. The novelty lies in cooperation and creation of a joint seed fund from national companies and international donor institutions with institutional support of Rockefeller Brothers Fund (RBF).
During the two days of competition, sixteen individuals, civil society organizations and small businesses presented their ideas before the evaluation panel of experts who selected the three best ideas.
The winning ideas of this year are:
• “Cultivation of Saffron” presented by Mr. Fiqiri Guxha, an idea consisting in cultivation of saffron and local employment in the Daias village in Petrelë area.
• “Komani speaks!” of COSPE association, an initiative that aims to develop tourism through natural and cultural tours in the archaeological site of Komani.
• “Agro-tourism, Eco- Social Farm” of the association “The Door” which will offer socio – cultural activities for people with disabilities and local employment through agro – tourism services.
Each of the winning ideas will receive funding in the amount of 800,000 ALL. The co-funders are Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Credins Bank and Telekom Albania. The wining ideas of the national competition will participate in the regional competition that will be organized by the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, in Serbia, in July 2016.
Click here to read more about the winners of previous competitions.