Young people and solidarity

To identify the young people perception of solidarity and helping others, and the role they can take in the community, the project partners developed an online quiz which was completed by about 1100 young people from Albania, resulting in Visionary and Cheerleader as dominant roles. The quiz results from all countries involved are available in this presentation.
In February ’17, Partners Albania conducted two focus groups with young people aged 15-30 years in Vlora and Tirana, to research on the perceptions, young people’ standing on solidarity as a concept, and the existence of solidarity in Albania. Find below the research report on solidarity among young people.
The project “Celebrating solidarity” was implemented by 6 organizations led by Ana and Vlade Divac Foundation in Serbia, respectively Partners Albania in Albania, Input Output Foundation in Poland, Demnet Hun in Hungary, Multi Kulti Collective in Bulgaria, and Mladiinfo International in Macedonia.
Research on solidarity among young people in Albania | Download |
Results of the solidarity quiz from six countries | Download |