EMBRACE – Entrepreneurship Models Building Relations and Creative Economy
Partners Albania works to encourage the development of social entrepreneurship in Albania, as a driving force in the socio-economic advancement of the country.
In 2018, Partners Albania started the implementation of the program “EMBRACE – Entrepreneurship Models Building Relations and Creative Economy“.
Along with the promotion of constructive dialogue and advocacy efforts for an enabling financial and legal environment of SEs, the program contributes to enhancing the capacities of CSOs to initiate and/or strengthening social business initiatives, including increasing awareness on social entrepreneurship and sharing good models and success stories; building relations and partnership with the business sector and support concrete initiatives of CSOs related to social entrepreneurship, addressing societal challenges and fostering inclusive development.
Read this brochure on the three year-journey of EMBRACE.
Visit this link to read more about the objectives and results of social enterprises supported through EMBRACE.
Watch this documentary showing the three-year journey of the program EMBRACE.
The project “EMBRACE – Entrepreneurship Models Building Relations and Creative Economy” was implemented by Partners Albania for Change and Development in partnership with Project Ahead (Italy), and funded by the European Union through the Delegation of the European Union to Albania.