CAUSE – Confiscated Assets Used for Social Experimentation Initiative

C.A.U.S.E – Confiscated Assets Used for Social Experimentations is the first initiative of this kind implemented in Albania and in the Western Balkans, aiming to establish a model of sustainable re-use of confiscated assets from organized crime by civil society organizations.
Applying an innovative approach, focused on the promotion and development of the culture of social entrepreneurship and fight against organized crime, CAUSE provides opportunities, skills and financial support for CSOs to start a new project in a confiscated asset from the organized crime. The project is implemented by Partners Albania, in partnership with Project Ahead and Comitato Don Peppe Diana, and in collaboration with the Agency for the Administration of the Seized and Confiscated Assets. It is funded by the European Union.
Read this brochure presenting the main components and achievements of CAUSE. It provides data and figures on beneficiaries, information on the sub-granting scheme, the impact and testimonials from partners, collaborators, and beneficiaries of this initiative.
Watch this documentary presenting the experience of C.A.U.S.E., this brave initiative that achieved to transform three confiscated assets from organized crime in three social enterprises, managed by civil society organizations. C.A.U.S.E. is only the start of a long journey in our efforts to give back to the community what has been taken unjustly, to return trust in justice and rule of law!
Three social enterprises are established in confiscated assets from organized crime in Fier, Durrës and Saranda, through C.A.U.S.E. support. Find more about them, the implementing organizations and their beneficiary groups in the projects’ Fact sheets below.
KeBuono social pastry - Fier | Download |
Kinfolk Coffee Library - Durrës | Download |
Social Crafting Garage - Saranda | Download |
Brochure on CAUSE initiative | Download |